Extracellular matrix derived scaffolds for bone & joint repair

Extracellular matrix derived scaffolds for bone and joint repair

Building on the outputs of Enterprise Ireland Commercialization Fund grants and a European Research Council (ERC) starter grant, we have developed a range of decellularized extracellular matrix (ECM) derived scaffolds for articular cartilage (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtbio.2022.100343), bone (10.22203/eCM.v033a10) and osteochondral defect repair (10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.09.044 & 10.1016/j.actbio.2022.03.009), and have tested these scaffolds in relevant pre-clinical animal models. We have also demonstrated that the source tissue of ECM scaffolds plays a key role in regulating the phenotype of both macrophages and skeletal stem cells (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.regen.2021.100041). We then developed a single-stage, cell based therapy for articular cartilage regeneration by combining these biomimetic scaffolds with freshly isolated stromal cells sourced from patients in-clinic (https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201400687). We recently completed an ERC proof-of-concept to address challenges with the clinical translation of this project (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtbio.2022.100343), and have recently established a TCD spin-out company (in partnership with NLC Health) to move this technology into the clinic. (https://altach.health/)

Example Project: https://x.com/dannykelly1978/status/1502215177328107521?s=20